We had the pleasure of checking out and covering Jessie Reyez’s homecoming portion of her Tour, right here in Toronto at History. The place was packed and ready to see Jessie perform, which she absolutely killed! I loved the live version of “Gatekeepers”, the guitar solo by Heather was awesome and you could feel Jessie’s energy all throughout the show. There were probably about 15+ bras thrown at the stage throughout the show from adoring fans, which isn’t anything unusual, as this shower of bras happens at every single show!

Her fans don’t seem like regular fans, they seem like they genuinely love her and she gives that love and energy right back to them! The show ended with Jessie shedding a few tears and hugging herself, motioning to the crowd that she’s hugging all of them.

Show was great, Jessie was great, and if you haven’t seen her perform live, you definitely need to do so next time she’s on tour/performing in Toronto. Check out the pics
